Mindful VSN
Grow Your Vision
My focus is to shift the culture one individual at a time, all while saving the earth. Encouraging others to confidently walk in their purpose even if it’s an alternative way. Providing clothing that is your physical and literal armor while fashionable yet recycled. Clothing w/ scripture hems & graphics that depict the Glory of Christ. In a time that demonic natures or promotion of distractions are depicted everywhere. It’s time for clothing and accessories that go hand and hand with the law of attraction and God’s purpose. There is this an agenda set up to keep individuals distracted an encouraged in the wrong ways. Not understanding that what you give energy to you receive back. So when you wear and produce clothing that show lower, vibrational things like graveyards, then question why you are attracting things not for you. It's time for a change. There’re some solutions out here, but I feel like none of them are the best. I feel as no one structures their brand correctly. They all seem to only aim at one type of group. None for people whose walk doesn’t look like everyone else’s or something that meets people where they are. This is for those that know God has given them a mind-altering vision that they just have to step into. This idea deserves to be executed correctly instead of what we normally end up with. You know the cheap T-shirts with big blocks of words in the center but no fashion? Where are the clothes that’s going to stop people on the street and make them ask questions. An interaction that hopefully and essentially reaches someone, because everything happens for a reason. My dream is that it encourages and calls people back to God while telling Gods salvation with the clothing they chose to wear. Plus, why not save the eco system and sew your good seed!